Know Our Services


In the era where voice revenue is declining substantially and Mobile operator’s are facing fierce competition than ever before. VivaTech has served as the trusted partner to Mobile operator’s worldwide, using innovation approach to help increase revenues while reducing costs and meeting operational.

Consulting Services

VivaTech offers Consulting services for IT and Telecom companies.As a result of vast experience in both the telecommunication firms and IT companies,VivaTech offers this service from a dedicated,competent and well equiped staff to satisfy your needs.


VivaTech Ltd Company will provide the best deal for Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) to facilitate and enhance effective and effecient Customer record updates and Notifications.

SIS & Support

VivaTech offers system integration and support services on the following areas: VAS/OSS/BSS integration services, Service Delivery Platform, Applications partner program, Applications integration and Custom development.


VivaTech SDP offers the following: Multi-Channel Access (SMS, MMS, IVR, GPRS/3G), Rich applications/services catalogue out of the box (SMS Services), Network Abstraction and capability exposure, Flexible Subscription and Charging/Billing Management, Internet and Web2.0 Mashups and App store.